Single digits of day left until Boston Marathon and the Taper has been going on for two weeks now. With the Taper comes anxiety, have I done everything I could have done? Did I log all the mile I should have and the list goes on and on......
What are the most to do in Boston and how should you battle the Boston Course? From my own experience, you have to target your pace and I stick with the plan. Lots of runners over the 114years has been burning all the fuel the first declining 10 miles, including my self. Its very easy to go with the flow and get excited when you hear the crazy crowed of Boston. But once again, stick with your plan and aim for your target pace. Someone has also talked about this strategy. “On the easier parts, run faster and slow down on the tougher parts of the course” I’m not sure if I’m qualified to follow that race strategy and I think it’s much easier to hit the wall if you are not sure on what you're doing.
During the course there is several of “famous” spots. Of course we have Heart Break hill. To me Heart Break hill was kind of an disappointment and I actually didn't realize until I had finished the hill that I actually just ran the famous Heart Break Hill. The incline is about 4% and the Hill itself is not to bad, but if you have burned all the fuel on the down hills, your legs might not like it. If you pass Heart Braek hill in good shape, you should have a fairly nice last 6 miles as it is all down hill toward the finish line. According to me the most exciting part is “The Screaming tunnel” The students of Wellesey College (Womens College) lines up outside the college to cheer the runners, its literally breath taking. And if you have time, you can always stop and give the girls a kiss.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYvDpq4gurU&feature=related
During the marathon weekend in Boston, everything is about the marathon. Boston city totally explode. All over Boston you can see runners walking around with the”must buy” marathon jacket. Each year Adidas who is the main sponsor of the event release a jacket which represent they year you ran. This year the jacket created lots of anxiety and complaints at different forums. First, the colors and design were awful ugly, and second the logo was printed, not embroided as it use to be. Its funny how small details like that can create anxiety along Boston runners.
As everything is focused on the Marathon, the expo is the highlight of the pre events. Here you can find all the leading running brands and the latest gear. I can not really compare to other major marathon expos as Boston is the biggest and the only bigger event I have participated in. But I can assure you, it will not let you down.
Other then the expo, you should really just walked around the Boston area and suck in the atmosphere of the Marathon, you might bump into a couple of Boston Red Sox fans as they always have a home game on Patriots day, but that is secondary for us runners, patriots day is all about Boston Marathon.